As someone who likes to write, I have always heard the phrase “you learn a lot about the author from their works”, not because they put themselves as a character in the text (though some do), but because everything they write has a piece of them attached to it. They have their own flair, their … Continue reading Literary Fingerprints
Film Project-Howl’s Moving Castle & Kiki’s Delivery Service
Link to Presentation:
Link to Summations:Kiki’s Delivery Service-…
Eye of the Beholder
When it comes to money, and all forms of trading and tender, it is all up to the people exchanging to determine the worth of the object. If someone wants a chicken, in exchange for a chicken, the farmer may want something they don’t have, therefore making it valuable, like soap. This trade is fair … Continue reading Eye of the Beholder
It’s A Vibe
Vibe: something that is less spoken, and more felt. I feel like this adverb best describes the deformed humanities and the role that it plays in the digital humanities discussion. In “Notes on A Deformed Humanities”, I felt a kind of kindred spirit in the narrative. They touched on how everything created can be dismantled, … Continue reading It’s A Vibe
The Damned Damsel
While the video that we were asked to watch, “Damsel in Distress pt.1” by Anita Sarkeesian brought up many good points of discussion that made me want to scream at the casual injustice, the part that really made me stop and think was when she said, “these games do not exist in a vacuum”, When … Continue reading The Damned Damsel
Playing with the Enemy
Videogames and I do not have a wholly positive relationship. Reading this selection, “Everything Bad Is Good For You”, was a great exercise in keeping an open mind. I had never thought that “there’s a comparable blindness at work in the way games have been covered to date” (p.24), but I think that is because … Continue reading Playing with the Enemy
Creativity in Confusion
While reading our latest selection, “The Humanities, Done Digitally” by Kathleen Fitzpatrick, I found myself comforted with the fact that I am not the only one who has yet to grasp what ‘Digital Humanities’ really entails. Even those who lay claim in the field have boundary disputes, and where to draw the line is in … Continue reading Creativity in Confusion
Where the Weeds Grow
In reading ” A Little Cloud”, I found myself struck by how much I related to Little Chandler. The envy and practiced feelings of joy in his friend’s accomplishments are something that many of us have felt at least once in our lives, especially during this age of social media. When all we see is … Continue reading Where the Weeds Grow