How to Support Artists: NFTs vs Commissions

I personally think the idea of NFTs is completely idiotic; it creates false scarcity, doesn’t actually do anything that would traditionally regulate the consumption or make a difference in consumption for those who own NFTs as opposed to those who do not, and overall, as pointed out in Everest Pipkin’s article, “Here is the Article […]


While “Everything is a Remix” makes a good argument about the collaborative nature of ideation and creation, “When a Remix is Just Ole Plagiarism” makes some excellent points regarding the thin line between remixing and copying. However, I think the delineation between the two ideas is incredibly clear if we substitute the word “Innovation” for […]

Deformation Can Only Take Us So Far

If I ever want to feel extremely frustrated for seemingly no reason, I read Jacques Derrida’s theories about Deconstructuralism, a philosophy and way of textual analysis that, in a very incomplete way of summation, basically means looking at how a text contradicts itself and that words can only mean more words. I was forced to […]