I find it a little difficult to write this blog post, not having the text in front of me, and it being more or less impossible to have a second window up with the text… playing (?) so that I can refer to it as I write. Upon viewing this piece, after our discussion in class yesterday, I thought about how I would feel about it without the music, or if it wasn’t playing as a video of sorts. This poem, as I will refer to it for the purposes of this post, I think would certainly be powerful on its own. Talking about dragging someone out of bed and shooting them and the bystanders’ reactions create a powerful image. Also, because each time it starts over it uses different pronouns, it forces you into the different points of view of the situation. In doing so, you become the victim and the assailant, and that is interesting for thought. However, I think the work would be much less interesting if it was simply a written poem. It would be just like any other poem, really. Of course all of the aspects make it what it is, so I think it would be futile to try and study it simply as text. I don’t know how “into it” I am; I think the drums and flashing words give off the illusion of being artsy. I don’t know that anyone would care too much without the way it is presented. It kind of reminded me of beatniks in some kind of 60s coffee shop at an open mic poetry reading with bongoes. The bongoes make it much more artsy and dramatic. Also, without being able to classify it necessarily into a genre, it’s hard to criticize it.
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