Join our Band of Merry Air Pirates: Call for Abstracts on Steampunk

A few years ago, my colleague Rachel Bowser and I co-edited a special issue of Neo-Victorian Studies on the subject of steampunk. As I’m guessing you already know, steampunk is a movement fascinated by the vagaries of time as well as technology. So perhaps that’s why we find ourselves–two years later–going back to this particular imagined future.

Steampunks at the 2010 Dragon*Con parade

We are seeking abstracts for inclusion in a proposal for an edited volume on steampunk. The anthology will present a varied look at steampunk culture and criticism, presenting a comprehensive look at the genre’s impact and development in the fields of art and material cultural. Accordingly, we seek proposals that explore any of a range of iterations of the genre. These may include, for example, analysis of:

  • Steampunk fiction
  • Steampunk film
  • Steampunk visual art
  • Steampunk fashion
  • Steampunk performance
  • Steampunk fan culture
  • Steampunk in relationship to preceding science fiction and -punk genres
  • Steampunk and feminism
  • Steampunk and postcolonial paradigms
  • Steampunk and Victorian studies
  • Steampunk and technology studies

We hope to present this collection as of interest to both steampunk enthusiasts and non-specialists in the genre, as well as both academic and generalist readers. With this in mind, please submit proposals that are steeped in steampunk culture and criticism, that could be of interest to a generalist audience and that have a strong sense of the stakes of steampunk analysis for broader cultural studies.

Submit 500 word proposals to Brian Croxall (b [dot] croxall [at] gmail [dot] com) and Rachel Bowser (rachel [dot] bowser [at] gmail [dot] com) by 1 October 2012.

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