Mapping some Familiar Mark Z. Danielewski Tweets

A few days ago, I stumbled across a Twitter conversation about House of Leaves. That's generally enough to get my attention. The people involved were an added enticement. But the conversation among Jesse Stommel, Chuck Rybak, Sean Michael Morris, and Paul Benzon took a different direction when Paul asked, if anyone had "theories on what's up … Continue reading Mapping some Familiar Mark Z. Danielewski Tweets

Adjuncts –> The Glenn Beck-ification of Cultural Commentary

One of the Big Issue books to hit academia this year is Louis Menand's The Marketplace of Ideas. The book got some notice at the close of 2009 when an excerpt--"The Ph.D. Problem"--was published in Harvard Magazine. In this article, Menand argues that the production of people holding the doctorate is broken due to the … Continue reading Adjuncts –> The Glenn Beck-ification of Cultural Commentary